The most important digital marketing trends of 2018

Planning to check what works for your business and what not works this year? As you are busy working on these experiments we would recommend you to involve these tactics to know if it works for your business. We have summed up a list of digital marketing trends to keep an eye on and to implement them this year.


Optimizing it for voice search:

Voice search is already on the go. People find it comfortable to make use of this technology. Most smart devices are already equipped with voice search techniques. Google also considers it really important when compared to normal searches. On the other hand, IoT is also taking its track parallelly with Google home.

Voise Control

What makes voice search so unique?

Voice search makes it simple when it comes to searching an information on the web. Normally when people are on the go, they would find it really hard to type their queries all the way on the search tab. Earlier, when Siri was introduced by Apple, it made users really more comfortable to find information on the web.

This eventually had an impact among all other technologies and platforms. But that is where many found it difficult to manage. Because whenever a user mentioned a typical word that the voice analyzer wasn’t able to recognize, it generated a wrong information. This indeed tested the emotions of the user. Understanding the pain points of the user, the AI bots were further furnished for a better performance. Now all this have paved way for improving marketing techniques.

As voice searches have become the most important aspect of searches, people started to expect the same on websites which they visit. Most businesses have already optimized their websites for voice search. Still, business owners are trying to make it more natural for the user. It is also expected that SEO will shift towards natural searches. That is why businesses tend to concentrate more on voice searches and to make it more efficient along with AI.

Mobile first indexing is becoming authoritative:

We believe many of you all would be peeping into this post from your mobile. Yes! mobile searches are turning out to be authoritative which made businesses to highly concentrate on the same. It is recorded that 58% of searches and visits were done on mobile devices. People depart timely and they wish that it would be more convenient if mobile could make it up for all their online needs.


And that has already come into existence. Most websites have turned to be mobile friendly which indeed improved their conversion rates. And it is expected that mobile-first indexing would continue year-over-year. There are certain benefits that really matters for business owners,

  • Influence a best-in-class user experience strategy that makes customers to complete the final payment
  • Stay ahead of competitive websites and trends
  • Builds an optimum experience across devices that build flexibility and reliability for your customers to adapt
  • Improves search engine ranking that automatically floods in traffic

With all these benefits businesses are trying to upgrade their websites to the next level meeting both customer needs and Google’s requirement.

Google AMP will influence digital marketing:

Google AMP is the latest technology that was found to instantly track mobile devices. It relies on a specific form of HTML which is so-called the AMP HTML. It strips down the presentation of the content. This technology was considered very important for SEO at the very instance when it was launched. It is because of the speed update that Google released.

AMP K2B Solutions

Every business was in an urge to transform their website. It is because, Google’s update was predicted to ruin all the websites that lack instant loading speed. In order to overcome, business owners started to update their websites to the AMP version. This indeed improved their ranking.

The following are the positive effects of AMP on digital marketing:

1. Google AMP is common to all publishers
2. AMP is an open source
3. Paid search impressions are likely to improve
4. AMP enabled articles ranks higher on SERP
5. Analytics is expected to arrive soon at AMP
6. Content will obtain more readers
7. It is expected to have more features and formatting options shortly

With all these features on AMP, businesses that adapt AMP version of websites will soon find its best way to SERP. If you haven’t planned for it, then this would be the right chance for you to upgrade to AMP. Make sure that you get it done before the speed update hits the web on June 2018.

Chatbots on the move:

This year there would be an intense need to think about the social media bots. Chatbots are in existence for the past few years but we have found a huge AI improvement in recent days. At recent times, companies have started to make use of these chatbots for their customer support and marketing strategies.

Chatbots are highly used for customer service. The analysis states 61% of consumer chatbot’s interactions are focused on customer-service related questions. We find a bright scope for the future bots too which is estimated as 85% of customer interaction managed by chatbots by 2020.


You might be thinking, how effective these chatbots implementations be? We could challenge you on this. Many of us would have come across bots that made us blind. We would find it difficult to differentiate between a human and the bot. Why not use the same strategy on your website? Make it more fun and engaging to start the conversation. Because it might find them harder to trust these bots initially.

Data-driven techniques could really work well with audience engagement. For example, if you are sending some 1000 messages via chatbots tool, it is sure that at least 800 people will see your message. These rates are highly appreciable when compared to email open rates. Thus, making it a unique channel that cannot be ignored.


Organic traffic from SEO is considered to be the biggest source of traffic for businesses. In spite of various factors and elements that are involved in ranking, reviews stay ahead of any other strategies. The search engine giant analyzes all your Facebook reviews, Google reviews, Yelp reviews and more.

men review icon

The ultimate purpose of Google analyzing all these reviews is, “what is the need for Google to prioritize a business in search engine which holds a single star rating”. And that is why Google reviews are considered important as they could build or even break a sale for you.

On research, it is found that most adults under the age of 50 regularly check on online reviews before purchasing a product. Do you wonder what would they find? A set of positive reviews could build them trust and help them make bold decisions. Trying building a healthy plan for obtaining positive reviews for your business. But make sure that you are safe to incentivize people as this method is not recommended.

Media assets:

No matter what type of business you’re in. You need to consider your business as a media company. Where do you gather your information about what’s going on in this world? What would you prefer reading news online or reading a newspaper? The news that you gather handles the conversation for the day, week and month.

business man reading newspaper

The only way that you could handle an effective conversation with your client is by getting quality content in front of them. Build a platform that is completely focused on providing authentic content to your end customers. This content could be of any form either a blog, podcast, video or even a live stream that you could post on regular basis. Any business that posts authentic, relevant and informational content will stand ahead of its competitors.

Marketing automation:

Marketing automation has become a powerful source to automate marketing processes. On either side, there is a lot of myth on marketing automation which makes it a popular choice for most B2C marketers. Let us have a look at some of the benefits that marketing automation has,


#1 Workflow automation:
A successful digital marketing campaign requires assets like forms, call to action and conversion pages. Now all these could be automated through automation workflow. There are chances for human errors to occur while performing repetitive, routine tasks. With workflow automation, it is easy to handle things simultaneously for a smooth marketing workflow.

#2 Increased ROI:
Investing in marketing automation when properly utilized can benefit the upfront investments. The following are a certain statistic that needs consideration.

  • About 78% of high performing marketers have identified that marketing automation is the key contributor to improved revenue.
  • An analysis report states that between 2012 – 2015, 84% of marketers have started to implement or have planned to implement marketing automation software.
  • By 2020 it is expected that most customer relationship businesses will be handled through marketing automation software.

#3 Relationship marketing:
Relationship marketing is a form of marketing that highly focuses on achieving high customer satisfaction scores, which improves better retention rates. Marketing automation helps businesses to personalize their relationship with their customers and each lead through relevant strategies, digital footprint analysis, lead scoring models and techniques.

Broadcasts have taken the floor:

The most important aspect that goes viral in these days is the video content. No matter how you market your business online or on social channels video engagement are going to take over the market in 2018.


If you object it then the following statistics would provide why the video is worth implementing;

  • Youtube viewers watch billion hours of video every day
  • Facebook users obtain around 8 billion videos every day
  • Around 82% of Twitter’s audience consume video content from the platform

You find a number of formats through which a video content could be carried. And the most engaging of them all is the 360-degree view. This further provides more flexibility when it comes to planning video campaign.

Out of all these, the most important thing is the mobile view adaptability. Analysis has proved that around 90% of Twitter videos and 60% of YouTube videos are viewed on mobile. Moreover, writing on feeds have transformed the most which made 65% of marketers to increase their budget for mobile ads and to focus highly on videos.

Wrap up:
Digital marketing is expected to have its way this 2018 and getting them on track for your business and its promotion is really important. Your business is in high time to kick start with digital marketing. And you really need to know what is trending in the digital marketing world that you could stand ahead of your competitors.

These trends are currently important and freaking strategies that most businesses have already implemented to compete the big crowd. What makes you stay behind? Grab this opportunity to get them implemented and move ahead.