How To Increase Marketing Efficiency Through Content?


This post would be an analysis on improving your marketing efficiency through content workflow methods. So let us dive in deep to know how it works.

  • How does your team generate content?
  • How often do they meet your deadlines?
  • How many times have you failed to collaborate with your team on generating a piece of content?

Not Often, Not really, and a lot.

You could get them all fixed in one simple step. On reading this post you would definitely understand how it works. Create a content without having to reiterate the whole content.

Frame your estimate time that is required to generate a piece of content. This helps to transport content by your deadline every time. Build a communication channel to better understand how it works with the team and where it fails.

Creating a diplomatic workflow could help your team to work better without wasting time. As we are aware that time is money and when you waste one single moment your waste money.

Magnify your team’s potential with content marketing work flows this helps your team to work creatively on the following processes,

  • Blog Posts
  • Social Media Campaign
  • Email Marketing
  • Website Content
  • Infographic Design
  • Video Marketing

What Is a Content Workflow?

A content workflow is a collaborative process used by various parts of the marketing team to create, edit, approve and even publish content on regular basis.

The Content Processing Steps:

For a better understanding, I would suggest following these steps to generate faster content than before. You could satisfy your specific needs as you start adopting content workflow process.


How To Plan Effective Content Workflow?

Step #1: Plan The Type Of Content You Create:

It is always good to plan your work then work your plan. The very step involves you in planning the type of content that your team will create. Make sure that you create a single piece of content for the content workflow process. And that it is shouldn’t be any sort of project or campaign.

Step #2 Establish Tasks & Roles:

The second step involved in the content workflow process is destining tasks and roles that your team will complete on publishing a content on the required time frame.

For a better experience, I have a listed a few tasks on content workflow process,

  • Plan
  • Write
  • Edit
  • Design
  • Load on Publishing Platforms
  • Plan Promotions
  • Publish

You surely will have people working on each of these tasks. Now all you need to do is assign their respective tasks to get them done in time.


Step #3 Avoid Flogging Through Approval Steps:

On framing content, many fail at certain steps on final analysis they will have to repeat the entire content. In order to avoid redoing the full content, it is better to test content every now and then.

The circumstances of redoing an entire content are that it completely steals your time. This could rather be preserved for an essential outcome. In order to avoid flogging your team needs a complete session of approval steps which is cross-checked in the initial stage of content creation. These approval steps are interrelated with the creative process and can avoid flogging.

Step #4 Determine Deadlines:

Your entire content generation team is aware of the content and where it falls in the content creation process. The next step that you should probably take care of is the time taken by your team member to complete each task. From then you start to work with your team on the content.

This is going to work as your planning phase that your frame each of the task, schedule them for your team members and start working on it. The content framing and editing process would probably take around 8 hours of time and reached your designer by the end of the day.

Anything that exceeds 3 days of production then it can be broken down into smaller projects. This makes the project to keep moving. So while assigning tasks to your team, you would possibly get these replies from your teammates.


If you are going to follow these steps on content generation then your team has to process the piece of content nine days before it publishes,

Hope this would be highly helpful as you know when to process your content to publish it by your deadline.

For example consider the following chart in which you wanted to publish content on Wednesday, December 20, and the work gets done by Monday – Friday, you need to start with the content by Thursday, December 7.


This is just not the ending, you need to observe some more in-depth.

So far, you have time set aside for each of your editors to go through and approve content. What if your editors need some more time to re-edit?

It is really important to consider on both parties who work on framing the content. As editors take time to review and edit the content. So how do you compensate on those edits? You need to add on to your deadline on every approval step in your content workflow. If you get back to the example, you could find four people to edit content. Hence, it is required to start work four days earlier. Beginning Friday, December 1 to hit the publish deadline of Wednesday, December 20.

Find the adjusted time line chart that better explains on the re-framed time-sheet.


Maybe your team does not require this time-sheet. Yet, it is good to overestimate on the time need than to face a crisis on the deadline where everyone would be stressed to hit the deadline.

Consider an example of content approval workflow for a video;

We have so far seen how a content workflow would be processed. Now let us get into action on how the workflow would be executed.

You could find an example in which the content team works on a video. This helps you to better understand how the plan would work for a real-time process. Give a try to plan the workflow on a specific piece of content.


So this is how a content workflow works. You could boldly access these strategies in your upcoming content generation projects. Once you are used to these strategies then you are trained enough to generate content that meets deadlines. If you have trouble in generating quality content or if you wanted to become a successful writer you need to follow equivalent strategies that build up your writing career.

Get your content management team completely equipped with all of these strategies and find great results heading your way. Take control over your content and generate them much faster than ever.

Image Source:- CoSchedule